Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Narrative - Worship

We are rapidly approaching Easter Sunday.
It is the season when our world and our minds begin pointing toward resurrection, rebirth, and new life.

The daffodil have bloomed, the magnolia have blossomed, and the trees are beginning to green.

The church has been moving through the forty day desert of Lent growing ever closer to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

This is a tremendous season to turn our hearts toward the spiritual disciplines.  The center of our lives as Christians is the discipline of worship. The next few posts will have worship as their focus.

A lot has been written about worship throughout the last several years. Much of the discussion has focused on questions of style and methodology. It is easy to grow weary of this discussion because there are faithful people with diverse and often divergent opinions about the how, the when, and the where of worship. Adding to this discussion would simply be stacking someone else's opinion and convictions on top of an already insanely high stack. Therefore, these posts will avoid adding another voice to the confusion. We will instead turn our attention to the discipline itself.

In the Book of Order, Christian worship is described as follows,
               Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God.

            In worship the people of God acknowledge God present in the world and in their lives. As
            they respond to God’s claim and redemptive action in Jesus Christ, believers are transformed
            and renewed. In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s
            service in the world. (W-1.1001)

Worship is our central act as faithful people.  It is what we are to be about. There is nothing more important that we could be doing with our time and energy than offering ourselves, our lives, our gifts to the One who in Christ gave and continues to give us all things. It is in our worship that we offer our grateful response to what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do. As the central response of faith, worship reminds us of where all praise, honor, glory, and power rightly belong. In worship, we are challenged and equipped to serve the triune God in word and deed.

Christian worship is a discipline. It is not something that we are necessarily drawn toward naturally. It is something that takes time, effort, and commitment to develop. I encourage you in these last two weeks of Lent to find a time to worship together as a family (however your family may be assembled). Worshiping together has the power to transform the manner in which you talk about faith and life. Worship truly gives us a new narrative into which we can live.

Second Presbyterian Church offers several worship times throughout the next several days for you to practice your worship discipline.
March 28 - Wednesday Evening Prayers, 6-6:25 p.m.
April 1 - Palm Sunday Worship - 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m., Families@Five at 5 p.m. & Second@Six at 6 p.m.
April 1 - Service of Holy Communion and Wholeness - 10:35 every Sunday
April 5 - Tenebrae Communion Service - 8:00 p.m. At this service of shadows, we share the Last Supper and hear the story of the last hours of the life of Jesus. The service ends in darkness.
April 6 - Good Friday Worship Services - Noon to 3 p.m., with meditations in the chapel on the Seven Last Words of Christ. Please feel free to come and go as you are able. This service features a string quartet performing The Seven Last Words of Christ by Franz Joseph Haydn.
April 8 - Easter Sunday - Morning Worship Services: Worship Services in the Sanctuary at 8, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Music at these services will feature special music with Sanctuary Choir, Festival Brass, organ and percussion. Evening Worship Services: Families@Five at 5 p.m.; and Second@Six Communion Service at 6 p.m.

Make these last two weeks of Lent a time for you and your family to begin or add something to your discipline of worship.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Narrative - Praying Life Together

One of my friends and colleagues in ministry once said, "One of the most powerful things for a child's faith development is for them to see their parents praying."

I wholeheartedly agree. I would only add to it by saying that it is even more powerful when children and their parent(s) pray together.

One of the recurring memories of my childhood is evening prayer time with my parents. Every evening, we would gather in one of the bedrooms (I have an older brother and an older sister) to pray together. The prayers were often simple and rather quick, but they always happened. And I couldn't go to sleep without them. Every night, our prayers would end with us reciting the Lord's Prayer together. This continued all the way through my teenage years. And this evening discipline continues on into my family to this day.

More important than the actual evening ritual of praying together is the discipline of praying life together as a family. Consider what might happen as a family prays together.
Each one hears the concerns of the other.
Each family member has the opportunity to be thankful for the ones praying with them.
Each child and their parents has the chance to speak the prayer requests and concerns of the other.
Each one is reminded that prayer is not just something we do by ourselves and for ourselves - prayer is a communal exercise.

Take the opportunity during Lent to pray together as a family. Perhaps you already do this and can try some new prayer exercises together. Or maybe you have fallen out of the habit of praying together, and this can be a season to experiment with prayer together as a family.

Here are some simple prayer exercises you might try together:
  • Create a prayer space in your house or yard where you can gather as a family on a regular basis to pray together. You don't have to do any redecorating or reorganizing. Simply think through your home and what space might be most conducive to prayer together.
  • Place a prayer jar in the kitchen with small strips of paper and a pen beside it. Encourage family members to write down their prayers and joys once a day or once a week and place them in the jar. Then someone can retrieve the jar and its contents before breakfast or dinner and the family can pray the requests together.
  • Write one another a note once a week that contains your prayer concerns and joys. Trade them with family members so that you might be praying for each other throughout the week.
  • Ask your child(ren) for their ideas about praying together as a family. They will come up with the most creative approaches to this important faith discipline. 
  • HAVE FUN! Remember, all things can be and should be prayer - our work, our play, our lives.
Praying life together can indeed be a new narrative full of compassion, empathy, concern and shared joy with one another.

Throughout the next several weeks, we will be looking at integrating some of the disciplines into our family life together and how these might shape the New Narrative into which we can live.